The Holiday Killer

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The Holiday Killer


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Around the world, holidays are a time of joy, hope and new beginnings, where children gorge themselves on chocolate or open presents, where adults flirt with the idea of love or alcohol, where fireworks and pumpkins and turkeys are the highlights of the day. Everyone is happy, safe and alive, enjoying their time with loved ones.
Except in Matryville.
Holidays are dreaded, rather than anticipated. A killer is on the loose, and he strikes as parents hide their kids, fearing the bogeyman's wrath...
Liz Rhodes, Special Detective, is heading the investigation of the Holiday Killer. She's close on his tail, a suspect in her grasp...
... and then her son is taken.
Will Liz be able to track down the Killer before it's too late? Or will Jamie pay the price for her arrogance? Only time will tell...