The Girl on The Elevator

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The Girl on The Elevator


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Life's a glitch...

When a sophisticated cyber-attack on the city's AI systems leaves a small band of hackers, geeks, and bystanders with superhuman powers, all hell breaks loose. Suddenly, the meek are running the city and powering electronic devices.

With Tau Fabian's new hydraulic "powers," he can manipulate elevators, lifts, and vehicles. But what he wants more is to elevate his sex-life or financial situation to a higher level.

When a beautiful, mysterious woman moves into Tau's building, he scrambles to find a way to impress her. This desperation leads to a heist where Tau is called in to control a set of elevators. It is a role that Tau is meant to play. But what happens when his power glitches and getting the girl is beyond his control?