Making Scarlett - A Naughty Tale

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Making Scarlett - A Naughty Tale


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Abby had no other choice! She had to hold the company’s annual Party at her home this year. This gave her the opening she had been waiting for.
Her husband Peter makes changes to his own plans to help, and now she owes him, but that makes it more exciting. She might be keeping a secret or two from her husband, but this temporary one is well worth it.
With the evening drawing to a close, and only one remaining guest, she was pleased that the evening events had gone her way. For now, Abby needs to play it cool and keep her intentions under wraps. It was way too early for his birthday present, and besides, she wasn’t even sure his gift was hers to give.
Abby knew one particular fact played in her favor this evening, and that was his insatiable sexual appetite, which was limitless!