The Dungeon of Count Verlock (LIFE IN A HAUNTED HOUSE Tie-in #1)

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The Dungeon of Count Verlock (LIFE IN A HAUNTED HOUSE Tie-in #1)


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This previously unpublished story, an anonymous “novelization” of a movie written and directed by Bud “Budget” Preston, was scheduled to appear in issue 101 of MONSTER PROJECT magazine. I uncovered the story as I was researching my forthcoming novel, LIFE IN A HAUNTED HOUSE, which fictionalizes elements of Preston's life and filmography.

"The Dungeon of Count Verlock" recreates the strange dialogue and haunting low-budget images of Preston's only vampire film, in a self-contained, 9,000 word story.

Watch for more tie-in stories, and the full-length LIFE IN A HAUNTED HOUSE novel!