Every Move I Have Made

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Every Move I Have Made


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When the phone rings in the middle of the night, Hayley knows it is not good news, and she's right: her boyfriend, Jesse, is missing, and she might have been the last one to see him. 17-year-old Hayley has never had a real boyfriend before, one who phones you just to hear the sound of your voice, one who buys you a gift just to see you smile. So when the hottest boy in school turns his attentions to her, Hayley finds herself having to reconsider her plan, a plan to get her out of her home - where every day darkness threatens below the surface - and away from her life. Will her romance with Jesse help her escape, or can danger can be found everywhere, and even within the boy you love? Soon, Hayley needs to make a decision on just how far she will go to ensure that nobody stands in her way.