Might Delete Later

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Might Delete Later


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The morning after the world’s most epically clichéd breakup, Luc finds himself staring into the most gorgeous brown eyes he’s ever seen. Just his luck, they belong to a Neapolitan Mastiff watching him from the back window of a Honda. Luc snaps a picture for his Instagram collection of amazing dog faces then notices the driver of the car staring at him in the rearview mirror. Convinced he’s about to be screamed at or worse, Luc gets the heck out of there and heads for his job as a vet tech at an emergency clinic. He posts the photo at lunch, and, by the time he gets home, he’s got over a thousand likes and a DM from the dog’s owner. Is he about to go from clichéd breakup to best meet cute ever? (7500-word standalone short story)