Karak Contact

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Karak Contact


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A mysterious satellite crash. A late-night car accident. And a stranger who looks shockingly identical to the man on the front of Joanna’s book.
After hitting Eric in her car in the middle of the Wyoming wilderness, Joanna has no choice but to take him back to her cabin. But his wounds heal suspiciously fast, and she begins to suspect that his concussion is actually covering up some deeper secret.
She never would have guessed the truth.
When she discovers that the man she’s taken to bed is actually Arix, a shifter from the Karak Dominion of Planets, it’s all she can do not to run in terror. But as UFO hunters who noticed the spacecraft crash begin snooping around her cabin, Joanna and Arix are going to have to find a way to safety—which may lead to them both making an impossible decision.