Grey Magic (Preview)

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Grey Magic (Preview)


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Meet Raven Kane: an eccentric, hexing-and-texting witch with a special talent for attracting trouble.

Raven is a hip, hexing-and-texting sorceress – or at least, she used to be. Now her ancient timber house is falling down around her, and nothing would make her cantankerous neighbour happier than seeing Raven and her messy menagerie out on the street.

Worst of all is that her magic seems to be fading. Just as everything seems to be too much to handle, there’s a knock on the (splintering) door. A not-unattractive man appears in her life: not to save her, as a fairytale would have you believe, but to arrest her for the murder of one of her clients. It wouldn’t be that bad for Raven, except that she knows she's guilty.