Imogene is published in a range of romance genres including Paranormal, Science Fiction and Contemporary. She is mainly published in the UK and USA due to the nature of her tales.In 2011, Imogene Nix was born at the Bondi ARRA (Australian Romance Readers Association) Conference. Returning from the conference enthused, Imogene sat down and worked tirelessly for 3 months culminating in the books Starline. This book became the first in a trilogy titled, "Warriors of the Elector." In fact, she has completed six entire series. Imogene has successfully been contracted for twenty-five titles and self published three others, under this pseudonym. She has also completed another three and is, like many of her contemporaries, seeking homes for these books—with at least one likely to be self published once ready.
Imogene is a member of a range of professional organisations, including Romance Writers of Australia, (ARRA) Australian Romance Readers Association, Science Fiction Romance Brigade (SFRB), Dark Siders Down Under (the Australian Paranormal, Fantasy and Futuristic Chapter of RWA), Erotic Writers of Australia, (ALLi) Alliance of Independent Authors, Queensland Writers Centre and most recently Romance Writers of New Zealand.
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