I’m a fiction writer and have been working on my stories since 1983. That’s when my second boy was born and I figured I better have something to keep my brain going! My first novel, The Bluejay Shaman, appeared in 1994. I have published over a dozen novels plus a couple short stories and a variety of articles, including the group novel I published with four other mystery authors, Beat Slay Love. I once was the film reviewer for the BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIAN newspaper and love movies. I served on the national boards of directors for Mystery Writers of America and International Ass’n of Crime Writers/North America. Every summer I join the faculty for the Jackson Hole Writers Conference, critiquing, workshopping, and talking writing with writers of all stripes. I lived in Wyoming twice, in Jackson and Lander, twenty years apart. In between, and now, I am home in Montana. I still remember all the words to that childhood song I learned in fourth grade: “My home’s in Montana, I wear a bandanna, my spurs are of silver, my pony is gray…” So far I have neither pony nor spurs but I love my home state.Genres
Women's Fiction
Arts & Photography
Historical Romance
Historical Fiction
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The Frenchman Preview
Read this preview of The Frenchman, the fifth book in the Bennett Sisters Mystery Series, out in August 2017.