
Many people love to read a great fantasy book. I love to live it! When I am not glued to my keyboard busily writing my next work, I can be found clad head to foot in armor, LARPing like a mad man. For those not familiar with the notion, LARP stands for Live Action Role Play where people get in costume and armor and fight over real life battlefields. It's action packed and amazing, which is exactly how I like to write.

In my work you will find yourself submerged in thrilling new fantasy worlds. Each coursing with conflict that transpires at an incredible pace. I draw on experiences from my life and time spent living in Australia, The U.S.A and Japan to enrich the narrative of my books and provide you a taste of familiarity, as you plunge headlong into a scintillating new world.

If you enjoy my work, and I very much hope you will. Please take the time to connect with me via Amazon, Facebook or my website ( I'd love to hear what you have to say.


Teen & Young Adult

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Rise of the Mercenary King

Half-elf, half-human, all warrior. Tyrion must bring everything he has to bear if he is to rise above the chaos and conflict that plague the land of Vantacor.


The Woman in the Wind

Trapped between the man she loves, and the world she serves.

As Guardian, Elaina has patiently watched over the world of Meldinar for almost a century. Born with the gift of magic, Elaina has always sought to better the lives of those she protects.

Governed by the unyielding laws of her people, Elaina must conceal herself from those she watches over. A dictate Elaina has always observed, until now.

When fate threatens the life of an innocent, Elaina throws caution to the wind to save him. Caught between her conscience and her duty, Elaina's choices pit her against not only her own people, but the God she has sworn to serve.
