
Stephanie A. Cain writes epic & urban fantasy. She is the author of Shades of Circle City, The Midwinter Royal, Stormsinger, Stormshadow, Stormseer, and Sow the Wind. She is a lifelong resident of Indiana, but dreams of living somewhere without winter.

Stephanie graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Arts in History and Creative Writing and a Medieval Studies minor. She also has two-thirds of a Master of Library Science, but ran out of money and enthusiasm for grad school at about the same time. Despite this, her years in libraries were not wasted--besides having a lot of librarian friends, she also spent a great deal of time hanging out in the stacks at 398.2, which inspired many of her urban fantasy stories.

She currently works at the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum, where she spends her time doing historical research, giving tours of a Victorian man-cave, and serving as a one-woman IT department. She hopes to be the first of her coworkers to actually read Ben-Hur.

A proud crazy cat lady, Stephanie is happily owned by Eowyn, Strider, and Eustace Clarence Scrubb. In her free time, she enjoys hiking (except for the spiders), bird-watching, and visiting wineries. She unwinds by playing World of Warcraft and Skyrim. She owns way more movie scores and fountain pens than she can actually afford.


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Princess Azmei of Tamnen has a decision to make, and she doesn’t like either option: marry Prince Vistaren of Amethir--a man she’s never met--or let her kingdom’s war with Strid go on with no end in sight. Seeing no alternative, she agrees to meet Prince Vistaren, with the caveat that the marriage treaty won’t be ratified until then. But not everyone wants the marriage to go forward...
