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Rise from the Ashes

Cronus vowed that he would return to earth, even after he was cast into Tartarus by his three sons, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.
Now, as the gods are left for dead on Olympus and Mount Vesuvius begins to quake, the world faces grave danger as the Titan resurfaces. But hope is not lost...
The Fated have powers that are now awakening as Cronus draws closer--but they must learn who they are and what they can do before it's too late.



Rebound: Bending the Rules Series 1

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Why did he have to be so perfect? After a terrible breakup, I wanted nothing to do with dating of any kind. Trust was not a quality that I was blessed with at that moment, but that didn't stop him.
He was the best friend that I'd ever had, but that wasn't all I wanted. I felt terrible about it, but I couldn't help it. I told myself that the last thing that I needed was a rebound, but after that night... Well - I just can't seem to stop myself.
