
The first thing you should know is I live and breathe all things book related. Usually I have at least three books being read and two WiPs being written at the same time, which makes life merrily hectic. I tend to do nothing by halves so I happily seek the craziness and busyness life offers.

Living on my small property in Queensland with my human family as well as my animal family of cows, chooks, and dogs, I appreciate the beauty of the world around me and am a firm believer in that love truly is love.




Louisa Masters

A fun, lighthearted read with just enough depth to give you all the feels. This novella is the perfect way to while away an afternoon--sexy, sweet, and funny! And I was so excited to see that it's the beginning of a new series from Becca Seymour.

Tom Burns

This one looks awesome!

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Always For You

Join the residents of Kirkby for a celebration, romance, and just a little mayhem. It’s the perfect chance to get to know outgoing and loveable bar owner Ted, and his grumbly younger husbutt, Jason.

This fabulous couple was first introduced in LET ME SHOW YOU (True-Blue #1) and have featured in every book in the series to date. If you’ve gone into their story blind, you’ll be sure to have fun as you follow the chaos, but definitely treat yourself and go back to the beginning by reading Carter and Tanner’s story to get the bigger picture.



Escape with Shaun and Mitch in outback Australia as they discover it sometimes takes time, distance, and interfering family to help them realign.

After eight years of living in America, it’s time for Shaun to return home to his family’s farm in outback Australia. He has a decision to make: continue working his dream job with NASA or move back for a corporate job and his family.

He thinks his decision is easy.

He thinks he’s going to have a fun two weeks at home catching up.

He also thinks seeing his best friend, Mitch, will finally allow him to move on from that one hot kiss they shared the day he left.

Shaun realises he’s truly screwed as what he thinks and what he knows don’t always align.
