
Kristi Patrice Carter is a wife, mother, author, and serial entrepreneur who loves helping individuals live happy, prosperous and victorious lives. Carter’s lifelong goal is to positively impact people’s lives, one self-help book at a time.

A force to be reckoned with, Carter earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Illinois and a Juris Doctorate from Chicago-Kent College of Law and has over seventeen years of experience in the writing industry. She is the author of:

- How to Conquer Your Fears and Live an UNSTOPPABLE LIFE of Victory
- Emergency Income Streams: How to Create Fast Cash in 14 Days or Less
- Active Income Streams: Side Income Opportunities for Achieving Financial Freedom (Working As Much or As Little A You Desire)
- Passive Income Streams: How to Create and Profit from Passive Income Even If You’re Cash-Strapped and a Little Bit Lazy (But Motivated)!
- Say No to Guilt! The 21 Day Plan for Accepting Your Chronic Illness and Finding Inner Peace and Happiness
- Say Yes to Success Despite Your Chronic Illness: 10 Weeks to Overcoming the Obstacles of Chronic Illness and Finally Achieving What You Want in Life!
- Wean That Kid: Your Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Mastering the Weaning Process
-I’m a Weaned Kid Now
Her upcoming publications include:
- Reprogram Your Mind For UNSTOPPABLE Self-Confidence (Your Power Guide to Squashing Self Doubt and Worry)
- Strengthen Your Relationship By Having an Affair with Yourself


Other (Nonfiction)

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“Stop Ignoring Your Needs TA Woman’s Guide for Making Herself a Priority” Excerpt From: Kristi Patrice Carter, JD. “Stop Ignoring Your Needs.” iBooks.

Stop Ignoring Your Needs!

You’ve given your all to your partner, kids, and friends.
You’ve “done all the right things” to ensure that they’re happy.
But somehow you realize that you’re NOT happy.
Now what?

Stop Ignoring Your Needs: A Woman’s Guide for Making Herself a Priority is here to help you recharge, reconnect, and reaffirm your connection to you – the one person that matters the most. If you never put yourself first, how can you possibly find time to give to someone else?

Learn 12 simple but powerfully effective steps to help you navigate through the everyday muck and finally find some peace of mind and room to breathe in your own life. What’s not to love about that? Everyone – yes, even you – deserves to find their center and needs to learn to nourish themselves.


10 Courage Boosters that Help You Crush Your Goals

What’s a goal if you don’t believe you have what it takes to achieve that goal?

10 Courage Booster that Help You Crush Your Goals is your guide to gaining the confidence you lack in straightforward and efficient ways. Success and confidence go hand-in-hand. Don’t give into the idea that your dreams will never match your reality. Take the first steps to gaining that much-needed ego boost, or kick in the pants, to get what you want, when you want it. Dig your confidence levels from under the mounds of perceived failures, losses, setbacks, and fear it's hiding under. Give your goals a chance to breathe new life into you and all that you want to accomplish.

What are you waiting for? Let’s CRUSH your goals today! Download your copy now!



My Illness Is Invisible But I Am Not

In a perfect world, you wouldn’t need a guide to help you handle loved ones who don’t understand the pain, loneliness and conflicting emotions your chronic illness brings. Unfortunately, our world is not perfect, but you are!

You are perfectly and wonderfully made, even with a chronic illness.

In My Illness Is Invisible, But I Am Not Kristi Carter helps you cope with relatives and friends who can’t see your struggles. She reveals the reasons behind your loved one’s frustration, insensitivity and non-empathetic attitude and helps you cope. As a chronic illness warrior, Kristi sees you and your pain and will help you get through the fog of loneliness.

Learn coping methods and finally get the support you need!


10 Ways Greater Self-Confidence Can Change Your Life

Self-confidence is more than a state of mind; it’s a way of life. It holds the key to making you feel great about yourself, your life, your choices, and your dreams. Living with self-confidence enables you to achieve your dreams, reach your goals, and strive for bigger and better things. It helps you realize your full potential and claim your power.

10 Ways Greater Self-Confidence Can Change Your Life is here to help you overcome whatever is holding you back from presenting your best self. In ten simple yet effective steps, you can discover how to get to the front of the line, gain instant credibility in your personal and professional relationships, feel in control, and reach your true potential.


Your Personal Financial Meltdown Survival Guide: Effective Tips and Tricks for Getting Your Financial Emergency Under Control

Are you prepared to face financial emergencies when they strike?

Kristi Patrice Carter’s Financial Meltdown Survival Guide can help you navigate the stormy waters of financial emergencies by:

• Teaching you the four key areas of financial management to turn your finances around during and after an emergency.

• Helping you reshape your mindset before a financial crisis.

• Motivating you to be a survivor as you navigate through this financial emergency.

• Giving you strategies to prioritize your debts and re-position your financial structure to absorb the shock of the crisis.

• Explaining practical and creative strategies to boost your financial situation and take care of your short-term, mid-term and long-term obligations.



Life Changing Affirmations - Affirmations for Better Health, Peace and Confidence

Many people don’t understand the powerful effect that negative thoughts and words can have on your life. They don’t understand that illness, sadness and self-doubt can be eliminated by changing your mindset.

In Life-Changing Affirmations, you will learn how to change your mindset and change your life.

By using Carter’s Life-Changing Affirmations daily, you can enlist the power of your thoughts and words to reshape your life and realign your future with more health, happiness and self-confidence.

Use these affirmations daily, keep at it, and you will unlock the natural potential for achievement locked deep inside you.



Learning to Love Myself As I Am

Have you ever wished you could love your body when it’s riddled with aches, pain and chronic illness? Have you ever wondered how you could love yourself to better health?

Well, now you can. In Learning to Love Myself as I Am, you’ll learn that you are beautiful and perfect in every way. You’ll learn that your body does love you and is fighting for better health every day. You’ll learn that you can love yourself in spite of chronic illness.

Follow Kristi Carter as she takes you on a journey into unconditional love. You’ll discover that love is buried deep within us all. By unearthing it, you’ll tap into a power that has healing properties.

In Kristi’s simple yet profound style, you’ll receive actionable steps that you can apply to help you love yourself unconditionally.
