
The author's mother taught her to read and write at the age of 3, something the poor woman later came to regret. Crayon is particularly difficult to remove from the carpet. Starting school aged 4, K T Bowes refused to learn phonetics calling it, 'baby talk' and so the pattern was set for a life which strayed away from the beaten track. She went to Wales to obtain an English degree and was taught by a Scotsman and an American. Leaving with her degree certificate clutched in her sticky little hand she went not into teaching or writing but law enforcement. Over the next decade she gained a husband, four gorgeous children and a fair bit of weight. She shed the weight but wisely kept the family members. In 2006 she climbed onto an aeroplane with her family, a suitcase and a little bit of cash, bound for a different life in New Zealand. During the long, lonely hours while she searched for a job while everyone else was out at work and school, she remembered the immortal words of her father who said, "When are you going to use that darn degree, girl? That was a waste of money."

She wrote a book and then another and another. Twenty published books later and a few best sellers and she's still writing, whilst working part time as an archivist. She runs slowly, horse rides badly and admits she can't cook to save her life. K T Bowes is a Christian, but not a very good one. Apparently it's all about the trying and she's very trying.

K T Bowes lives in a little house on a riverbank in the north island of New Zealand with her husband, cat, the odd visiting grown up child and a head full of her characters.


Women's Fiction
Teen & Young Adult
Historical Romance

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Free From the Tracks

Take one teenage girl with a flaky group of friends and a terrible, life-altering secret.

Add a handsome bad boy with a drug addicted mother, violent stepfather and the weight of the world on his young shoulders.

Mix up with a handful of very nasty girls and shape into an incredible school yard mess. Don't eat. It's toxic.

Free From the Tracks is about real teenagers with real lives and daily struggles which weigh them down. Who gets to decide which side of the tracks is the right side? And if you end up on the wrong side, how do you cross back over?

Love. That's the answer. Because love can find you when you're at your worst and they tell us love will always find a way. For Dane and Sophia it will have to, because no one else seems willing.
