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A Summer Like No Other

She’s his best friend’s little sister. He’s the biggest player of them all. They shouldn’t be together. But this summer’s just too tempting.
Sixteen-year-old Emilia Moretti’s goal for the summer is simple: forget her brother’s best friend—Nick Grawsky—ever existed. But when Nick decides to stay in the city, Emilia’s resolve disappears in a pirouette. Maybe it’s the spin they needed. As long as she doesn’t get stuck believing in happily ever after.
Nick is tired of pretending to be the happy, let’s-have-fun guy. He needs to put all of his focus on dancing to prove to Daddy Dearest he’s good enough to make it big. And he may have a case of the bluest balls in history courtesy of Emilia: his best friend's little sister. He knows he should resist her, but he’s not sure he wants to.
