

Free Book Giveaways

An Artist's Touch: The Colors of Passion

Mira's budding art career takes a steamy turn when her more than artistic powers are unleashed by a new man in her life.
Can she control her newfound talents or will influence from the dark side corrupt her?
Is her new man more than he appears?
Does her sudden ability make her stronger or will past demons resurface to destroy her?
Follow her journey in a rollicking tale of suspense and magical seduction.

Contains Adult Content


When Angels Fall: The Edge of Shadows

As an overworked clinical social worker on a downward emotional and career spiral, Celine Patterson is assigned, what should have been, one more simple psych case.

How is it possible he can make her feel so good when all she does is wrong?
This is no ordinary John Doe, after one touch, her mystery patient might be the one to tip her over the edge in a battle between reality and career-ending fantasy.
Was their meeting a random act or foretold destiny?

When Angels Fall is the poignant story of a woman who discovers she must confront her past, push through her fears and step across a border from which she may never return.
A riveting exploration of personal boundaries, sexual limits, and alternate dimensions.


Phantom's Liaison: An Erotic Ghost Story

The Magic begins to Sizzle
The very same day that young, innocent Meryl Dubois moves into her new apartment, she inadvertently releases a phantom that had haunted the building’s tenants in decades past. Bizarre occurrences start soon after, beginning with sweet Meryl.
At first there was confusion. Chant-like words said in low tones, busy fingers, held breaths, and lots and lots of heat and tension. Then there was a rush of warm air and—was that a scream of rage in the background?
Will this young, innocent woman turn and run?
Or will she draw upon her hidden mysterious past to stand and fight?
Or perhaps teach The Phantom a few tricks he doesn't know.


Unbound: The Trust That Binds

Her past and her future will collide. Sparks will fly.

A most unexpected healers touch.
Young school teacher Kristen Matthews has hit the reset button. Escaping from an abusive husband, she lands in a quiet little neighborhood ready to start school, make new friends and put her past behind her. Sometimes the simple act of saying hello to a new neighbor is the first step towards that new life. Who would have thought that he could bring her to such new heights?
Will she keep his secret?
Can he help her grow strong again?
Can he keep her safe?
