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What Happens in Italy

**Please note that this is a 25,000 prequel to Breakout, the first in my San Francisco Strikers series. This can be read before Breakout as a lead in to see how Penny and Ethan first met in Italy, or it can be read after Breakout as bonus material. There is no HEA in this prequel and it is not a standalone. You've been warned!**

Things Penny never expected to have happen in her life:

Walk in on your cheating fiancé and promptly cancel the wedding...check!

Sustain an injury on the dance floor at the bachelorette party that never should've happened...check!

Head to Italy on your non-refundable honeymoon, just you and your crutches...check!

Act totally out of character with a man you'll never see again...



**This is just the first 3 chapters**

Lexi Wells has been searching for her perfect match online. Not that he needs to be perfect. Just someone who she can hold a conversation with, who will give her mind-blowing orgasms, maintain a steady job, and fall in love with her six-year-old daughter. Why is that so damn impossible?
Grant Parker isn’t looking for forever, at least not yet. He’s moving in a few months for his final four years with the Coast Guard, and then he’ll think about settling down. Now is not the right time for happily ever after, much to his family’s frustration.
Then he rescues Lexi from a horrible date. Over chocolate lava cake they decide to have some fun before he leaves. Where’s the harm in two consenting adults enjoying dessert and each other for the next few months?
