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Hanna Halfblood free preview: chapters 1-2

Hanna is a young warrior, destined to take over the family business. But when her grandfather, Thorodd Stoneblood, is killed by a mysterious assassin, Hanna must discover the reason for the murder.

When the assassin delivers Hanna a message, she is thrown into a world of magic that she never knew existed. A world where it won't be enough to be a warrior. In order to survive she will have to become something more.



Errol Amberdane:The Library of Silvermire part 1

Errol Amberdane is no hero. He's a chubby bookworm. But while his mother is away defending the border after the king foolishly attacked a tower protected by a dragon, Errol is charged with protecting the library of Silvermire. One of the great libraries of the world. And if there is one thing Errol will make an effort to protect, it's books.

Watch as Errol and his trusted companion Baxter do their best to protect the library.
