
K.E. O’Connor is the author of the Magical Misfits Mysteries, the Fireside Mysteries, Witch Haven mystery series, the Crypt Witch cozy mysteries, the Lorna Shadow ghost mysteries, the Holly Holmes baking mysteries, the Zee Town paranormal cozy series, and the Old Sarum mystery series, along with other titles available if you cast the right spell. She can imagine dragons, taste cookies when they aren’t even there, and hear the crack of a witch’s broom at a hundred paces.

K.E. (the K stands for Karen) lives in the United Kingdom (it isn’t very united, but that’s a mystery for another time) among the mystical stones and fairy creatures of Suffolk. She graduated from the Universities of Southampton and Reading, where she received degrees in Archaeology and Cognitive Evolution (both highly entertaining to take part in, but with the career options of a ground witch’s toe bone.)

If you’re of the curious persuasion and want to know more, visit her website at for enlightening knowledge on all things cozy mystery, book news, and a peek into the magical world of a writer who believes animals talk and magic is just a finger click away.

To contact her, visit her Facebook page – www.facebook/keoconnorauthor, join her email list, or dust off that haunted mirror in your cellar and speak the ancient magical words to transport yourself into her lounge. There may be tea and cookies waiting, or there may be giants – it depends on her mood.


Science Fiction
Teen & Young Adult
Women's Fiction

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Shoku (sci-fi romance - My Single Alien prequel)

My Single Alien. A new dating agency matching fertile human females with aliens. What could go wrong?

Vegas Munro is about the land the job of her dreams at My Single Alien. Then a randy alien with tentacles lands in her lap and everything spirals out of control.

Shoku is on a mission. Earth is full of fertile, desperate females, and he wants one. When he meets Vegas, he discovers not everyone loves tentacles. Driven by his desire to mate, he pursues her and learns there's more to love than moist tentacles and warm spaceships.

Start this new sci-fi romance adventure by meeting Vegas and Shuko. Fans of Ruby Lionsdrake will enjoy the adventure, aliens, and humor in this series.
