
Amelia Wilson has dedicated her life to writing. She is a firm believer in the power of love to conquer all, and her works reflect this belief. Her paranormal romances are known for their love stories, action and suspense. She creates immersive worlds that are rich in detail and full of emotion. Writing has always been very close to her heart. When she is writing a novel, she travels into that world and attaches her emotions to the story. She expresses herself better in written words than she could ever do verbally. She believes in love, and that love can conquer all, which is the reason why she is a writer of romance. She wants all the people, who have been hurt in love, not lose hope as fate changes and soon enough you all will find your one true love. Her books are a great way to satisfy your craving for paranormal romance with action, Love and suspense.
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List of Amelia Wilson's books:


Love Beyond the wall
Sight of Love
Claimed by Love
In Love with the Enemy




Rune Sword
Rune Master
Rune Hunter
Rune King's Daughter


A Chosen Fate (Book 1)
A Dark Truth (Book 2)


A Friend in Love (Book 1)
A Witchy Girl (Book 2)
A Final Game (Book 3)



To Catch A Killer
A Truth in Lies
The Magic of the Flesh


Other (Fiction)
Other (Nonfiction)
Science Fiction

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Awakened Alpha

“There’s an alpha inside of you…waiting to finally break loose…”
One chance to start anew…
One night of unbridled passion…
One secret buried in blood…
One alpha that will bring the packs together…
Adeline doesn’t know why she chose the Virginia mountains, other than to escape the shadow of a horrible death hovering over her. Life seems simpler in this town, until a bloodied and battered man is left behind at her bar. There’s something about him that Adeline can’t get enough of. Is it his charm? Or the fact that he’s longing to taste every part of her? As tensions and passions align, Adeline discovers a secret world, and the secret connection she shares with it that’s yearning to be unleashed.


Origins of the Alpha

How far will you go for the one you love?
Walls torn down...
Hearts Broken...
A secret uncovered...
A new rise to power...
As lines are drawn and loyalties tested, Kayla finds herself forced to pick a side. On one side there is the position of Alpha. And on the other, the wide open forest with Nate by her side. But Kayla has more than just the town competing for her attention; her very presence has awoken the spirits. Now Kayla must figure out a way to control her animal nature or risk losing not only herself, but her soul mate Nate as well. But Kayla's choice will affect the entire tribe. Will she answer the call of her destiny and rise to the occasion? Or will she break the rules and traditions to get what she wants?


Forbidden Delivery

“What do you do when you’ve suddenly become the cargo of a hot alien smuggler?”
Becca, an ex magazine editor and now-ex girlfriend of a famous chef, decides that she is fed up with love and men altogether. That changes though, after she finds herself tied up on the ship of Falax, an alien smuggler with a great body but a bad attitude. Becca can’t stand his mysterious vibe he’s giving off, but when he touches her for the first time, something lights up inside of her, a burning want that she’s scared to endulge in…
Falax is hotheaded and doesn’t apologize for it. In all his years of delivering potential mates to his king on Kellion, he lives by one rule: Don’t fall in love with the cargo. He’s more than willing to break this rule after a sexy encounter with his delivery, and struggles with


Forbidden Territory

“These smugglers are sure to steal your heart…”
A fiery desire that’s growing bright.
A true test of love and friendship.
A horrific fate awaiting a planet.
A mission determining friend from foe.
Becca and Falax have agreed to take on one last job. Easy enough. Deliver the goods for the client and get out. But things are bound to get complicated once they try to add a baby to the mix, and suddenly the smuggler’s life doesn’t seem as simple. Becca and Falax are getting closer than ever, only to be tested by old friends yearning for a comeback, and a client with not-so-good intentions.
Can they keep the flames alive? Or will they fizzle out with disaster?


Forbidden Reunion

“This mission’s even more dangerous than the last…”
Becca and Falax are taking the galaxy by storm. The money’s flowing, the jobs are exciting, and congratulations are in order now that these two smugglers have tied the knot. They’re madly in love, their passion hotter than the three suns of Yuta.
Falax can’t wait to get his hands on his beautiful bride, and Becca's been yearning to consummate their marriage. But a new threat is waiting on the horizon, ready to tear apart their wedded bliss. She’s sexy, rich, and has a power so incredible that it could split up Becca and Falax for good.
Will the newlyweds flourish? Or will one of these smugglers fly solo?


Lone Wolf to Alpha

“Sometimes, you never know what is lurking in the shadows of the past.”
A long lost heir...
A secret plot...
An unruly lone wolf...
An unquenchable lust...
In a quiet little village, tucked away in the mountains there are more than just secrets buried under the snow. The people here have forgotten what has happened before, but there are a few that have kept the secret hidden for years. So when Kayla's car is thrown off the road, she thinks it is just a freak accident until she meets Nate. Nate happens to be one of the few that believe that the true alpha will return. As Kayla and Nate come together and explore their lustful desires, Kayla soon realizes that sometimes history has a way of repeating itself and is caught up in a world she wanted nothing to do with.


Seeking the Alpha

“Everyone has their secrets…and their cravings…”
A violent and bloody past…
A rocky and dangerous present…
A terribly uncertain future…
Birchton was a last resort for Mia. She’s not sure what drew her here. Maybe because it’s far away from the man that tried to kill her? Or because she’s longed to be back in the wilderness once again? Or the fact that her long-lost friend has suddenly appeared back in her life? There’s something about Rowan that shakes her to the core, especially when he touches her for the first time. She knows there’s an animal inside of him, but can she handle his incredible thirst to mate with her?



An inter-galactic war...
An unusually gifted child...
A war that will rock the universe...
And a love that stretches to the furthest reaches of space…
All seems well for the human Sera Cooper and her alien bond mates Theny and Beno. Along with her amazing little girl Kira, as they live in a secure compound on Earth. But the serenity that surrounds Sera is soon shattered as her daughter is kidnapped by religious zealots convinced that her child is the key to their salvation.


The Fate of the Alpha

Would you let fate rule you? Or are you the author of your own destiny?
A vengeful spirit...
An unforgivable curse...
An unrequited desire...
For Kayla, all she wants in life is Nate. After all, he rocks her world in every way possible. No one has ever loved her more or with such passion as he does. But when a friend goes missing, and an elder is brutally murdered, her life is thrown into a whirlwind with no end. As lovers turn into enemies, things begin to unravel and Kayla must face her biggest obstacle yet. Will she let the secrets of her past define her? Or will she be able to set things right? Her only anchor is her love for Nate.
"Fate of the Alpha" will have you on the edge of your seat as the Wolf Pack Bloodlines come to its final chapter.


Aeon Ending

Sarah has done it. She’s ended the Aeon threat, or has she?

Sending the crystal into the pit of the Aeon weapon was supposed to end the war, but Sarah finds herself prisoner of Henry, the Aeon who was there when she was first abducted, the alien who forced her to love him, and fell for her himself.

After escaping from Henry the first time, Sarah fell for another alien named Gar. A gray skinned Zaytarian who was good and strong and loved her back. He’s on the hunt for Sarah, determined to get to her and save her from Henry’s clutches no matter the cost.

Will Sarah escape the deranged alien Henry? And can Gar survive long enough to be reunited with his love?


Adored by Tulari

Despite learning everything she could about the savage world of Sara, nothing could have prepared Jennifer for him.

As a new recruit on her father’s base on an alien world, Jennifer Raynor followed her father’s footsteps in becoming a soldier when her mother died. On a bright and beautiful world full of Sara, she would prove her worth.

On what should have been a routine day, a single Nulani alien approached their base. Through a series of catastrophic events, she is forced to flee into the jungle alone without technology, armed with only her rifle and the will to survive.

She must survive the harsh environment and predators of the jungle until she confronts another Nulani. But will this one prove to be her savior or the one to bring her downfall?

In this beginning of many stories, you


The Dragon Knight

‘There are multiple forms of the truth, and they are people’s words. Live your truth and share them with others.’

The floating city of Sedayval was considered the pinnacle of human civilization. Governed by High Priestess Iktai and Queen Vahana IV, the city was the most splendorous in the whole world. For three centuries, the Jewel of Maan had maintained peace and order in Sedayval.

For Shera, the existence of Maan was highest form of truth. As a Young Acolyte, Shera was sworn to uphold the sanctity of the goddess, and be the vessel of the Jewel of Maan.

But the arrival of Vahren, a mysterious Dragon Knight from the eastern regions of Shando shakes Shera’s conviction. She begins to question Maan’s existence and realizes that the very Jewel she is supposed to protect contains a siniste


The Alien Paradise

"She could be the answer to save their planet and sate their desire."

Talia has a mission. Retrieve the humans from Klaskar and pretend to be a willing surrogate while accomplishing it.

The only issue, she really enjoys being with her two alien mates. They are suspicious of her intentions and when the truth is revealed she learns far more than she ever thought.

Now between being the middle of a sexy alien sandwich, trying to get pregnant, and helping humans and aliens alike hide, Talia has a full plate.

Can she save the mated pairs so they can continue to satisfy their desire for pleasure and raise their young unaffected? Find out in the thrilling conclusion to the Klaskian series, The Alien Paradise.


Aeon War

Sarah has been thrust into a galaxy spanning war, where she has found herself to be the only hope for a race of aliens on the verge of total destruction.

Sarah is from Earth, but she hasn’t been there for months. She’s found a friend and lover in Gar, and handsome Zaytarian who has helped her out of more scrapes and dangerous situations than she can remember.

Will Sarah and Gar reach the weapon in time? Can anything stop the Aeon threat? And when it’s all over, is Sarah ever going to be able to leave the alien she’s fallen for, and return to Earth so she can lead a normal life?


Secrets of Avrox

“You’ve found the man of your dreams, only to find out you’re set up with someone else!”

I’ve finally done it. I’ve had an Avroxee dream.
He was everything I thought he would be.
Sexy, perfect, rock-solid.
So who is this creep standing in front of me?

This facility member keeps pushing me into the arms of a sketchy Avroxee, who’s got some wicked plans for this village. He’s thirsting after my curves, but I have my sights set on another. I know Killuk is the man from my dreams. So why haven’t we sealed the deal yet?

Our secret meetings will do for now. But there are eyes and ears all over this place. But I’ll get my real Avroxee mate alone soon. I’ve been planning what I’d be doing to him for a long time now…


Champion of Avrox

“You’ve been selected, but can you satisfy your alien mate?”

Who was that shadowy man from my dream?
What did he mean when he said he’s made a choice?
Most importantly, how the hell did I end up on the planet Avrox?

Suddenly I’m face-to-face with Asch, a ripped prizefighting champion with an uncontrollable thirst for a good fight...and my body.

He’s begging me to be his mate, but can I give him what he wants before our trial is over? Or will I freeze like I always do?

He gave me an indescribable pleasure the first time we met, even if it was only a dream.

The least I can do is return the favor.

I’ve got to get him inside me again…this time for real



What happens when your plans get disrupted when you're far away from home?
Ruby thought she was starting a new life, but she had no idea what was in store for her.

After leaving the comfort of her parents on the planet Adna, she becomes a prisoner of a race bent on selling her as a slave. Skills she didn't even know she possessed come into play when she has to fight for her life and the life of child she encounters in the Hallaw jail.

A motherly instinct she didn't know she possessed and a couple she didn't know she could love change her life forever, if they can just survive. How will they fair against many enemies on a dangerous and uncertain planet?



What’s an Earth girl to do when she’s on a dangerous planet and meets a seemingly friendly and handsome alien?

Abigail was lost, she ran away from the aliens that abducted her when they made an unplanned stop on planet Adna. Now she’s been rescued by a beautiful glowing alien named Sca and the two of them make their way through some serious obstacles on the planet. Abigail finds herself trusting and even falling for Sca, but when they return to his home she learns something troubling.

Sca has a wife, kids, and a husband and they want her to join them in their shared living experience.

Can her new friends save her from a race determined to make her their new queen?


Alien Seduction

What happens when a woman must choose between her mission and her heart?
Sarah Overstreet has one mission. It's going to require she sacrifice her body for the greater good. She’s willing to do anything for the cause.
As a member of SAAB she is dedicated to ending the surrogacy program with the Klaskians for good. The problem is once she gets to the planet they aren’t at all like she’s been taught.
Through the love of two Klaskian males both different in their past and age she finds maybe she doesn’t want to go through with the mission, but the consequences will be dire.
How can she return to her planet a traitor, the answer is, she can’t.


To Catch a Killer (A Ghost Detective Romance)

Detective Anya White is being haunted. Her dead partner, Rob, is pushing her to solve his murder, and he won’t let her rest. She has to finish his unfinished business… and it’s starting to look like part of that business is putting her in the path of the new detective in town. Does Rob want her to catch his killer, or does he just want Anya to stop being lonely? Time will tell….
