
Science Fiction

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The Hole in Things That Matter

With his father offworld on a business trip, Mud was only looking for an escape. From the house that was too empty, the father who was too distant, the life that was too quiet. Perhaps a week on Cargo Pod, just enough to clear his head. That was all he wanted.

But when a nighttime fall into an isolated hole leaves Mud injured and trapped, his problems become much more immediate. Lost in the Preserve, he now is at risk from the hungry teeth and gnashing mandibles of the menaces that live within the planet’s last Wood.

With darkness and death closing in, it is up to the Mud and his unusual alien pet to find a way to achieve the most important escape of all - the one that leads to life, to tomorrow and to more opportunities. To things that matter.


Cracks and Crevasses

While searching for missing climbers, young Sherpa Nima becomes lost herself when strange magical lights lead her deep into Everest’s most dangerous landscape. Finding American Drew Adley trapped in a crevasse, Nima’s attempt to rescue him sends both into a life or death struggle against the ice, and cold, and the mysterious secrets that dwell deep in the shadow of Everest.

CRACKS AND CREVASSES is a short story prequel to D.H. Dunn’s fantasy adventure novel UNDER EVEREST (Book 1 of the Fractured Everest series).



Dragons of the Interstate

Drake the King is losing. He is losing at life, losing a desperate quest to save his daughter, and losing his mind.

Ride along with Drake as he races his pick-up down a dark, snowy New England highway, dodging fearsome creatures that should not exist and a growing insanity that eats away his very thoughts.

Can Drake save his daughter and fight off dangers within and without of his speeding mount? Or will they both fall victim to the fury of the DRAGONS OF THE INTERSTATE?

DRAGONS OF THE INTERSTATE is a short story from fantasy author D.H. Dunn.
