
Teen & Young Adult

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Justin and his siblings grew up in the shadows of their parents' crimes. They saw first-hand the people who were hurt and killed by the Moonset coven. Now in high school, Justin and his siblings struggle under an environment designed to hold them down.

All of that comes crashing down when the teens are relocated to Carrow Mill, New York where a disciple of Moonset has set up shop, and the warlock's only demand is the return of the Moonset heirs to their rightful place. Justin must find a way to protect his family from both sides of a resurging war, as well as unravel the secrets of his parents' history, or they may follow in the steps of Moonset... right into the grave.



Witch Eyes

Braden's witch eyes have been a curse all his life.

But when he arrives in the town of Belle Dam, he uncovers a centuries-old feud between two families, and himself as the unwitting pawn in their latest designs.

As he makes friends on both sides of the feud, he quickly learns that the boy he's falling for is his enemy's firstborn son: and Braden may be destined to kill him.



The Dream Ripper

Obsessed with finding her brother's killer, dream thief Erica Powell will steal everything she can if it will get her one step closer to her goal. But when her hunts turn into a deadly game, can she face the fact that some dreams are not what they appear to be?
