
Eric Kent Edstrom is the author of The Undermountain Saga, a YA science fiction trilogy about a group of teenagers racing to save the world from two alien species. One race seeks to subvert human will, the other seeks to wipe the human race out. A unique twist on the bigfoot mythos, Undermountain is a rollicking adventure sure to keep you up all night reading to the last page.

Edstrom's YA SF dystopian series The Scion Chronicles combines thriller pacing and a fascinating take on clones and mind-transfer. Join seventeen-year-old Jacey as she searches for her own identity while racing to save her friends from forces dead set on destroying them.

Find Eric's short stories in Fiction River: Visions of the Apocalypse, Chronicle Worlds: Feyland, and more.

Edstrom still lives in his home state of Wisconsin with his wife, daughter, and a crazy Brittany dog named Lucky. To learn about upcoming releases, please join his mailing list at


Science Fiction
Teen & Young Adult

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