
Science Fiction

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The Seal's Little Virgin

Sexy Seal and Virgin Novella. He's a single father who's had his eye on her for a long time, and she's waiting for the right man to come into her life. Funny enough... the right one has been there for a long time.


Making the Rules

Never Again...

After having his hand slapped and career almost ruined several years back for falling for a student, Dr. Kendal Tarrington is done with love. Especially with the idea of it being with a younger woman. With no other choice, he's forced to start looking for someone to date far outside the scope of the university. The last place he expected to find her was at the hospital.

Dana Young is a double major, business and nursing, and is at the top of her class on both accounts. Her life consists of working hard in her internship at the hospital and wanting far more than she's getting in her current relationship. When a handsome, young professor catches her eye, things began to shift... for the better.

Too bad she's not at all aware of his rules.




Age is Just a Number.

Rebecca Martin has achieved most things one might hope to by thirty. She is a successful business owner, drives a nice car and is wrapping up the details on a custom built home on the lake. The only thing she is missing is someone to share her accomplishments with.

One man has never been far from her thoughts – Kade McMillian, but his return to town after far too many years of chasing his dreams couldn’t be more poorly timed.

With a younger man demanding Rebecca attention at the office, she has to decide between reconstructing a relationship from her past or diving in deep to something new and seemingly forbidden.


Blood Money

Chained to their pasts, their passions and each other... until one link snaps.

Kate Jarrett has been around the block a few times, her life nothing more than a trail of failures. After her father dies she inherits the family bar, a place where she's accepted for who she is and loved for who she's not. Due to the location of her new establishment, a few friends from her past make themselves welcomed and death shows up at her door.

Jon Peterson is a seasoned officer for the NYPD, his record clean and eyes set on being the youngest captain in the history of the force. When his little brother Adam turns up dead at a bar in the seedy side of town, Jon's focus shifts. Is Kate involved in what happened to Adam or a pawn in a much larger game?



The Regent's Rapture

It was supposed to be an exploratory mission, and it was... Just not the kind she expected.

Dr. Sylvia Cohen, MIT's premiere astrobiologist has been chosen for a follow-up mission to Zanthar, a planet showing the promise of Life. Leaving little behind on earth, she sustains a crash landing on the large seaweed planet and encounters far more than the micro-organisms discovered years earlier.

The Supreme Regent of Zanthar has a natural affinity for human females and finds himself quite taken with the lovely doctor, but war stands at their door. His determination of her innocence or guilt will change the future for both of them. He will test her in many ways, finding himself wanting her to succeed more and more each time.


Stage Left

Ethan Lewis has been in the bright lights for as long as he can remember. He’s just turned the cusp of celebrating his twenty-fourth birthday, and yet he feels more like eighty. Living the life of a celebrity isn’t all it is chalked up to be.

Riley Phillips has always dreamed of being on a big stage with the warmth of the spotlight baring down on her, but she just couldn’t seem to catch the right agent’s attention. She finally gets an offer she can't refuse. An audition for an Ethan Lewis movie.

She scores the part, but soon regrets it due to his callous, overbearing persona. He’s nothing like the public touts, and she for one isn’t impressed.

Funny enough, he is - immensely.


Take Me Higher

Don't Blink... You Might Miss Something.

Joe Castaletta has been running the underbelly of Chicago for decades, but it's now time to turn over the keys to the kingdom. His right-hand man, Demetri DeMarco, is more than ready to race forward into a new way of doing old school. With Joe's sexy daughter as his enforcer and a gang of mobsters to keep things running smoothly, he's confident, collected and a bastard and a half.

The only thing that's just out of his reach is the one thing he wants most... Izabella.



Lucas White is captain of the hockey team, and well deserving of the position. He’s hard-hitting, rough and puts up with very little. He’s kept to himself throughout his years at Providence University, but it’s time to train the next man up in line for his position. His second on the Hockey team has a twin sister that catches everyone’s eye and leaves most of the guys acting like idiots, but Lucas isn’t interested. Girls are too needy, too catty and a pain in butt. Plain and simple.

Aubrey Moore’s had her eye on the captain of the hockey team for the last few years since her brother, Jayce joined the team. He’s known for being a complete jerk, but Aubrey’s had the pleasure of seeing around the edges of his personality and wants to know him more.


Billionaire Alpha 1

His Wants. His Needs. His Demands. Your Pleasure. You're Welcome.

Bethany had one more year of school left, and once again, poverty strikes hard. The only option would be to encourage her mother to marry her new boyfriend Kent, a billionaire tycoon in the world of accounting.

Mom is more than happy to move the wedding date up, and Bethany's soon-to-be father is willing to pay for her schooling - on one condition.

She work for his firm as an intern throughout the next year.

She agrees without hesitation, but little does she know that Kent's oldest son, Damon is the CFO. Dark features and a stare that would melt panties, he's everything one might imagine of a Billionaire's spoiled alpha son, her new boss.

Her billionaire boss plays lots of games and though she hates herself for it,



Always on My Mind

David Dawson is the oldest brother of the rowdy Dawson boys, and the one his father depends on most to help run the family farm. Unfortunately, he’s far more interested in playing music than baling hay. He plays at the local bar and gets lucky one night… a beautiful talent agents happens to be passing through the city and she’s desperate to find talent. Lucky, lucky girl. In more ways than one. 


Forgotten Bodyguard 1

SALE!! Please note that the FULL Forgotten Bodyguard Box Set is on sale for $0.99 (instead of it's usual $5.99) from January 16 - 22nd! Only time it's going this low this year. Grab your copy while it's on sale and save yourself $5 on the trilogy.

It's hard to tell a bad boy to keep his hands off the hottest asset under his watch... especially when she wants those hands all over her.

Chloe Moore has money, status and popularity, but she yearns for the missing piece - freedom. Ian Matthenson has worked himself up from the shitty start he got in life. Things heat up as Chloe pushes Ian to the edge, both physically and mentally. It's only when her life is in danger that he realizes that perhaps it's not just his paycheck that causes him to protect the girl's body so closely...



Love is a Lie.

As a photographer for the New York Post, Kari Martin was used to seeing heartache and scandal up close. But one night at the club… her whole world changed.

Heartbroken and willing to call off her wedding, she decides a change is in order and moves from NYC to a small town in Maine, where the average age of the residents there is sixty (or thereabouts). She works to fit in perfectly, and tries like hell not to let anyone find out just how very jaded she’s recently become over the lie called love.

Jake Isaac left Texas quite a few years ago; his heart torn from his chest, and his mind set on being a bachelor forever. Maine would welcome him, give him land to explore and a community to belong to. Getting a job as the coach of the local junior high and serving on the fire
