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Harlequin's Riddle, by Rachel Nightingale (sample)

Ten years ago, Mina’s beloved older brother disappeared with a troupe of travelling players, and was never heard from again.

On the eve of Mina’s own departure with a troupe, her father tells her she has a special gift for storytelling, a gift he silenced years before in fear of her ability to call visions into being with her stories.

Mina soon discovers that the travelling players draw their powers from a mysterious place called Tarya, where dreams are transformed into reality. While trying to solve the mystery of her brother’s disappearance, she discovers a dark secret to the players’ onstage antics. Torn between finding her brother or exposing the truth about the players, could her gifts as a storyteller offer a way to solve Harlequin’s riddle?


The Princess and the Pirate, by Felicity Banks (sample)

Princess Ana is trapped in her own home, unable to leave the castle walls to avoid a fever that is plaguing Ratu Island. Her mother, devastated after the death of Ana's father, has hardened, resolving to keep her crown rather than acquiesce the kingdom to her son. The only person who might be able to change the queen's mind is Ana's grandmother, Sol - who just happens to be a murderous pirate. Ana's beloved Auntie Livina hatches a plan to send Ana to seek out Sol, while also keeping her out of reach of the deadly fever. Ana is thrilled for her newfound freedom, but terrified about meeting her grandmother. What if she's beyond reform? What if she tries to kill Ana?


Starchild: The Age of Akra, by Vacen Taylor (sample)

When Mai is chosen to take a pilgrimage to the Valley of a Thousand Thoughts to train with the oldest and wisest master of their people, an ancient prophecy is set in motion. The events to come have been predicted but are not unchangeable. When the Starchild returns to the land of Sage, the foreknowledge of the prophecy begins to gain strength.

Four children come together and become linked to the events that lie ahead. The first stage of their journey has them facing the deadly spiderflax, only then to be confronted by a creature of the underworld, an evil Dementra called Amual.

The struggle to bring peace to the world of powerful energies lies in the hands of these four children and a strange little lizard. And it will not come easy. This journey is only the beginning.


The Monster Apprentice, by Felicity Banks (sample)

The only weapon Dance has is her name.

When pirates threaten the tiny hidden island of Luar, Dance knows her home has only one hope of survival: the magical monsters that killed her twin sister.

Dance loses her friends one by one as she attempts to prepare her strange apprentices for the showdown between monsters and pirates. Can she do it alone?

The Monster’s Apprentice is a powerful story of looking at the world differently and finding an answer in an unexpected place.


The Afghan Wife, by Cindy Davies (sample)

During the volatile times that followed the Iranian revolution in 1979, Zahra, her husband and son are forced to leave their homeland of Afghanistan with her revolutionary activist cousin, Firzun. Zahra’s life becomes embroiled with Firzun’s, as her cousin joins the violent opposition to the new regime in Iran. Complexities increase as she again meets Karim, a man she’s loved since she was a teenager. As the political turmoil unfolds, Zahra must choose between love and family loyalty.

If you enjoyed reading The Bookseller of Kabul by Asne Seirestad and The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul, by Deborah Rodriguez you’ll love The Afghan Wife.


The Blood Within The Stone, by T.R. Thompson (sample)

A shadow is spreading across the land. Fear will be your downfall.

When the Prefects of Redmondis discover that their quick minds and quicker fingers hide secret potential, young thieves Wilt and Higgs find themselves unwilling recruits. Wilt’s ability to sink into others’ thoughts, knowing what action they will take before they do, is both a prized and dangerous gift.

The Nine Sisters of Redmondis have sensed a growing threat, and search for the one who can control the power of the blood within the stone. But even their sinister plots are nothing compared to the force that controls them.

As Wilt and Higgs rally their newfound weapons, they discover that the threat to their lives, and their reality, is much greater than they realise.


Heart of Brass, by Felicity Banks (sample)

Emmeline Muchamore is a well-bred young lady hiding explosive family secrets. She needs to marry well, and quickly, in order to keep her family respectable. But when her brass heart malfunctions, she makes a desperate choice to steal the parts she needs to repair it and survive.

She is unable to explain her actions without revealing she has a steam-powered heart, so she is arrested for theft and transported to Victoria, Australia – right in the midst of the Gold Rush.

Now that she’s escaped the bounds of high society, iron manacles cannot hold her for long.

The only metal that really matters is gold.


Dark Justice, by Shelley Russell Nolan (sample)

Five hundred years ago, the cure for the common cold went horribly wrong, turning those infected into freaks consumed with hate and rage. Forced underground, the freaks return above ground at night, driven to attack the surface dwellers – their bite infecting thousands more.

The Captain of the Ward, Jackson Kyle, is infected while saving the life of another warden. Due to his genetic enhancements, he is like no other freak. His faculties intact, he escapes from the Ward and encounters a mysterious young woman. The second he touches her, he is caught in a bond, compelled to protect her at all costs. For she will decide the fate of humankind.


The Bishop's Girl, by Rebecca Burns (sample)

The body had no name. It was not supposed to be there…

Jess is a researcher on a quest to give the one-hundred-year-old skeleton, discovered in the exhumed grave of a prominent bishop, an identity. But she’s not sure of her own – her career is stalling, her marriage is failing. She doesn’t want to spend hours in the archives, rifling through dusty papers in an endless search for a name. And when a young man named Hayden makes clear his interest in her, Jess has to decide what is most important to her.


The Last Qumranian, by Joe Basile (sample)

Time travel has been used to stop the birth of Christ, altering the timeline of human history.

Lukas is the last Qumranian, an ancient sect sworn to secrecy and to protect the prophecies that bind the worlds together. When they develop a powerful technology that can control time, their discovery attracts unwanted attention.

When the Unclean -- a militant force powered by dark magic -- attack the hidden Qumranian compound under what once was the Dead Sea, Lukas barely escapes. But at what cost? With his life intact, he finds himself a prisoner in an alternate timeline not his own.

Will Lukas manage to retrieve the technological artifact before more damage is done to the timeline of history, or will he be too late, forever lost in a nightmarish alternate reality?
