
I began writing fictional stories as a teen, but it wasn’t until my early 40s that I began a career as an author. As an Indie author I enjoy both the creative process and having greater control over the business aspects of publishing my books. I write fictional Sagas and Romance featuring emotional and heartwarming stories, relatable characters, and locations that are like visiting a favorite place. I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them.

My wife and our teenage son are the loves of my life, and we have a truly sweet family dog. In addition to writing, I enjoy reading (naturally), movies, music, travel, and sports.

One of the best parts of being an Indie author is hearing from my readers. Please feel free to contact me through email on my contact page or connect with me on Facebook. I respond to all messages personally.


Women's Fiction

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Learning to Love Again: A Charlotte Island Novella

Amanda Nichols is the go to event planner on Charlotte Island. Having Amanda planning an event guarantees success. If only she can work the same magic with her personal life. While smart, attractive, and successful, Amanda isn't able to make romance and relationships work in her life.

Evan Worthington comes from a wealthy Boston family and has taken his fortune and built a business empire. He once knew happiness with a young wife and newborn son, until his late wife died twelve years earlier.

What Amanda and Evan both want is standing directly in front of them. Can they admit how they feel and get past what is most holding them back? It all hinges on Evan learning to love again.

Get this heartwarming novella that you will be telling your friends about!
