
N. Fishfish and K. Matthews are amateur natal astrologers, residing in Ontario, Canada. They have always had a fascination with the mystical and otherworldly. Upon meeting, they discovered this common bond and worked toward the creation of their debut novel. When not writing, they enjoy walking, swimming, reading, and coffee nights with friends.


Teen & Young Adult


R.M. Schultz

Great cover.

Julianne Munich

This cover and blurb sound fascinating. I will have to check it out! :)

Evan Bollinger

Riveting. A portal to another world. If you like fantasy and magical realism, "Bloodlines" will be right up your alley!

Ian McFarlane

A great way of looking at star signs and turning it into real life adventure

Kim Cormack

Cool premise. Love the cover.

Georgiana Kent

I love this take on the zodiac signs and how they gift magic and open portals! Such an intriguing concept -- can't wait!

Andre Michael Pietroschek

A daunting task of astrology meets speculation, not in abstract, like Aleister Crowley once did, but in everydaylife words we all can understand! K, Matthews and N. Fishfish go for their very own, unique blend of the literal and the symbolical about the 12 astrological houses aka star signs, and embed it into their own alternative reality. There seems to be loads of thrill, the kind, which only proverbial reading between the lines, comparing, if authors and readers come to the same conclusions, can deliver! Splendid idea.

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ENHANCERS: The League of Twelve

If your sibling had a super power, would you be envious or proud?

Would you accept an invitation to help save an entire race from extinction by opening a magic portal for them? And most importantly, can you keep a secret?

Rejected as a League member long ago, Marcus Shea is plotting to destroy The League of Twelve and gain control of the portal for himself. He freed a demon from nearly a century’s entombment to aid him, but now the demon has witches and geist on his side and his own destructive agenda.
The Immortals who govern The League of Twelve decided to grant three of their siblings the ability to enhance each faction leader’s abilities and aid them in their battles.

Will the addition of League Enhancers give the League members the edge they need, or will Marcus prevail?


BLOODLINES: The League of Twelve

What's your sign? What if your birth sign was more than a cliché blurb in the newspaper? What if, instead, you were fated to inherit supernatural powers and the responsibility of safeguarding otherworldly beings?

Sebastian Shea, a new member of The League of Twelve, has always known he would inherit the Cancer astral key from his father and use it to open a portal to another world. What he doesn’t know is what will be waiting for him when he returns home.

Attacked by Marcus, his father’s identical twin, and left for dead, Sebastian knows his only chance to live long enough to regain his key and take revenge is to make it to the City of Radiance.

Will Sebastian survive to get retribution? Will the other league members rally in time or will Marcus take even more from them?
